With its challenging gameplay and unique objectives, Feed The Beast: Legend of the Eyes is a must-play for fans of the Feed The Beast modpacks. You don’t have to do it alone (you can, though, and we salute your bravery) Bring a friend, or twenty, and tackle the adventure together! Overcoming all of this will take everything you’ve got. You’ll delve into dangerous ruins and face off against some of the toughest bosses Minecraft has to offer.

In order to find the eyes, you will have to explore strange biomes, create complex machines and advanced weapons and armor. In this dimension, players will face the ultimate challenge: the Ender Dragon. The Feed the Beast launcher was born to allow for simple and quick.

Feed the Beast originally started out as a skyblock challenge map, using mainly technical mods, and soon became popular and a more streamlined way of installing them was required. Your quest is to collect at least 12 of the 16 possible eyes in order to open the portal to the end dimension. Feed the Beast (FTB) is a group of people that makes modpacks, maps and media for minecraft. Windows 10/11 (recommended) Just double click and install. When brought together, they create a portal to unspeakable danger and adventure.įTB: Legend of the Eyes is a thrilling modpack that will challenge players in new ways. If you can't get the standard download of Minecraft: Java Edition to work on your machine you may want to try with one of the alternative options below. Make sure to follow the installation instructions Most mods will also require you to install Fabric API into the mods folder.